Thursday, August 23, 2007

House M.D.

I just bought House Season 3 and have already begun reliving last season's episode. I have a theory about the character House and myself. It actually has a little bit of validity due to the fact that not too long ago, I was sitting with my former team at lunch one day and they brought the show up and how they "hate that guy" and "will not watch that show again". The conversation was more of a "roundtable" and when it came to my turn, I said, "I like him and think his methods are brilliant!" They all looked at me like I had two heads or I dropped the F-Bomb... Then one of them said "you would like are very much like him". I got to thinking that maybe that is true to a point, love a good arguement, a good joke (sometimes at the expense of others) and can be arrogant. In fact, my idea of "the perfect team" that I would like to build and lead would be a team of experts that are opinionated to the point they would debate and push back to make me better as I make them better while they make each other better!! (sound familar) Now, I am not as mean as House most of the time but I can be very direct and make a room really quiet fast...the only difference is that I can love and I can be loved.

In an episode a man asked House why he didn't go into research instead of being a doctor that requires him to be with people as he doesn't seem to like them (people that is). House told the story of when he was in Japan as a young man while his father was stationed there, he and his friend were mountain climbing and his friend fell and injured his leg. They rushed to the hospital and went in the wrong door to get to the emergency room. They passed by an old janitor along the way to the ER. The doctors worked and did all that they could with no improvement, in fact, the infection had spread. The doctors brought in the janitor for a consult. You see the janitor was a Buraku and he was shunned by their culture and the doctors as his ancestors were stable keepers and slaughterhouse workers which made him low and dishonored. The name itself was a slang word of racism and shame. They brought him when they couldn't figure something out because he was that good! He dressed poorly, was unapproachable as a person but he didn't care because at the end of the day...he was RIGHT! And that was all that mattered. This inspired House and in a way it did me. As a follower of Christ, I can't be completely as House and I pray to be more Christ-like everyday but I have thought that I may be a better person and Christian if I didn't care what others think because...I am RIGHT.

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